DENGUARD Market Size

Let me introduce the market size of DENGUARD. Click on the area of interest to see the size of the market.

DENGUARD Market Status by Major Countries

# Country Electricity Price per kw/h Power Consumption DENGUARD Market Size Note
1 China 0.12~0.16USD 5,972 Tw/h 160 billion USD
2 Vietnam 0.12USD(raised since 2018) 183 Tw/h 5.3 billion USD Comparing to Thailand
3 Indonesia State ownership 0.11USD, Corporation ownership 0.13USD 216 Tw/h 6.4 billion USD
4 Korea The off-season 0.07~0.08USD, The peak season 0.1USD 512 Tw/h 15.1 billion USD

DENGUARD Market Status by Region

# Province Power Consumption DENGUARD Market Size